
How to Add User to Google Search Console

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Google Search Console is a powerful tool that provides websites with valuable insights. It gives an idea of how the site performs in Google search results. Linking with others on managing and analyzing this data is essential for solid website management. Adding users to the Google Search Console allows many individuals to access it. It contributes to the optimization of a website’s search performance. 

The process of add user to google search console is exciting. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps one by one.

Step 1: Accessing the Google Search Console:

To begin, make sure you have a Google account. The website you want to manage is already added to the Google Search Console account. If you have not added a site yet, navigate to the Google Search Console homepage and click the “Add Property” button. Follow the prompts to verify the ownership of your website.

Google search console dashboard

Step 2: Log in to the Google Search Console:

To add to the website, log in to the Google Search Console account using Google credentials. You’ll be directed to the Search Console dashboard.

Step 3: Select the property:

In the top-left corner of the dashboard, find a dropdown menu. It displays all the properties associated with an account. Click on the property for which you want to add a user.

Step 4: Navigate to “Settings”:

On the left-hand side of the dashboard, find and click on the “Settings” option. This will open a submenu where you can manage various aspects of the property.

Step 5: Click on “Users and Permissions”:

Inside the “Settings” submenu, locate and click “Users and permissions.” This section allows users access to the Google Search Console property.

Users and Permissions google search console|loyalseoagency

Step 6: Add a New User:

Look for the “+Add User” button, usually set prominently on the Users and Permissions page. Clicking on this button will open a form where you can input the user details you want to add.

In the provided field, enter the email address linked with the Google account of the person you want to add. Make sure to double-check the email address for accuracy.

Step 7:

Enter User

Step 8: Choose Permission Level:

Next, select the proper permission level for the use GSC offers three levels of permissions:

  • Full Permissions: Users with full permissions can view data, make configuration changes, and add new users. This access is suitable for team members responsible for overall website management.
  • Restricted Permissions: Users with restricted permissions can view all data but cannot make any configuration changes. This level is ideal for individuals who need to analyze performance data without altering settings.
  • Read-Only Permissions: Users with read-only permissions can view all data but cannot make any changes. This level is suitable for those needing to track performance without adjusting.

Step 9: Send Invitation:

Once you’ve entered the user’s email address and selected their permission level, click the “Add” button. GSC will send an invitation to the specified email address.

Step 10: Accept the Invitation:

The invited user will receive an email notification containing an invitation link. They need to click on the link to accept the invitation and gain access to the GSC property. If the user doesn’t have a GSC account, they will be prompted to create one.

Step 11: Confirmation:

After accepting the invitation, the new user can access the specified property in the GSC. The property owner and other existing users will receive a notification confirming the addition of the new user.

Best Practices and Extra Tips For Add User to Google Search Console:

Regularly Review User Access: 

  • Periodically review the list of users and their permissions in GSC. Remove access for individuals who no longer need it, ensuring a secure and streamlined user management system.

Use Descriptive Usernames:

  • When adding users, use descriptive usernames or email aliases to quickly identify team members and their roles within the GSC.

Educate Users:

  • Provide new users with an overview of the tasks they are expected to perform within GSC. This ensures that each team member understands their responsibilities and uses the platform effectively.

Keep Communication Open:

  • Encourage open communication among team members using GSC. Regularly discuss findings, insights, and proposed strategies to enhance collaboration and the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

Use Google Analytics Integration:

  • Consider integrating Google Analytics with your search console to better understand your website’s performance. This integration allows users to access both sets of data seamlessly.

Add user to google search console is a straight forward process crucial to effective website management and SEO strategy. By following these steps and best practices, you can ensure your team collaborates seamlessly to optimize your website’s performance in Google search results. Regularly review and update user access to maintain a secure and efficient user management system within Google Search Console.

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